Monday, September 26, 2011

Already a Fan

To hear the story correctly, it starts off with a 4 year old little boy who finds himself a big brother to a little girl. That's when all the trouble began!
That's what my big brother wrote in his 1st grade autobiography that we found years ago. I think about him saying that and I laugh.
I remember playing with my big brother and wanting so bad to be included. He had the best tree house ever and on the outside he posted a sign that said "No Girls Allowed". This wouldn't have been so bad except that almost all the neighborhood friends he played with were girls. It should have just said, "No Sisters Allowed". He was always so much fun and regardless of how many times he'd pinch our shoulders, push our pinkies back, or how hard he tried to "ignore" us, I still could never get enough.
I find myself many years later wandering if history is again about to repeat itself. My little boy is now a 4 year old that has found himself a big brother to a little girl too. This afternoon she had just woken up and it was time for me to get him up so I took her with me. As I sat there and looked at both of my babies, I began to have visions of all the fun that they would have together, the memories that they'd make together, and of all of the times they'd need each other with the ups and downs in life and have one another. I began to hope that out of all of my memories of growing up with my big brother she gets just as many to experience too with hers. I laid her in his bed and thought about my big brother. I realized that no matter how far away someone is there as close a you want them to be.
A sibling is much more than someone you grow up with. It's a friend that you always have. I want my children to grow up to be friends. Of all the things that we can provide, I think it's the best gift I could ever give my children!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Introducing Our Daughter

Here is proof that no matter how well you think things are planned, anything can happen. I woke up on Tuesday morning, one day before my planned c-section, at 2am having contractions. I "thought" I knew what was happening but as I moved from the bed to the couch I kept telling myself that if I ignored them they would just go away. I had one more day of work to get through and it was cousin Zoie's first birthday! After 30 minutes of timed contractions every 10 minutes I woke Brandon up and told him I thought I was in labor. We called the doctor and were told to wait another hour. We went ahead and took showers and finished packing our bags. I woke Braxton up and he was up and we were gone by 3:30. We dropped him off at Maw Maw's, went by Dad's to drop his bags off for the next few days, and were walking through the front entrance of CMC by 4:30. They admitted me at 4:55am and at 7:16am we heard the cries of our baby girl for the first time.

Mckinley Grace was born weighing in at 7lbs, 14ozs, and was 19 3/4inches long. (Big Brother weighed 7lbs, 15 ozs, and was 20 inches long.) We had discussed names that we liked but hadn't decided on anything for sure. After she was born while in the operating room someone asked Brandon what her name was and he responded by saying "This is Mckinley Grace." (Braxton picked her middle name)

Mckinley and Daddy are doing fabulous. Big Brother is adjusting. Last night's visit was much better than Tuesday night's. Hopefully, he'll want to hold her tonight.

"Tuesday's child is full of grace". We feel so blessed.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

School Days

My little man had his first day of preschool last week. This year, because of Baby Sister's arrival, he will be going 5 days a week. It's been an adjustment for us all but he loves it. I am so thankful that Braxton has been able to spend so much time with all of his grandparents. I hope he remembers his time at his Maw Maw's and the time he gets with his Grandaddy when he's older. Not a lot of children are that fortunate. And not all parents are that fortunate. I've said since he was born that I have never worried about him while I work. I would listen to stories that others would tell about their kids in daycare and I would just count my blessings.
Tonight we were looking at some of his work he brought home and it looked as if he had drawn a bunch of"lines". Brandon and I were complementing him on how straight they were and he said, "No, No those are ones!"
He also went to choir practice at church for the first time this Wednesday. He really enjoyed that. I'll let you know when he sings in big church!! That will be something to see.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Big Brother Bear

I had heard years ago from a friend about getting a recordable device from The Build-A-Bear Workshop to record the heartbeat of the baby at a doctors appointment. I have been wanting to do this for this pregnancy but kept putting it off. We went last weekend to get the recorder after realizing we only had 2 more appointments if we wanted to do it.
We took Braxton to the mall this morning to make his bear. Baby Sister's heart beat is tucked safely in the foot. It was really a cute experience (Done it. Need to no more) and he had a great time watching the process of being stuffed and giving it a "bath". When it came time to pick a name, for the birth certificate of course, he decided on Busch! We talked him out of that and he settled on a very original name: Big Brother Bear.
We have one more weekend. It's so hard to believe she'll be here in less than 2 weeks.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Drum Roll, Please

Here you have it. Baby Sister's room is now ready. I've been doing laundry all weekend just washing 0-3 month clothes, blankets, cloths, and bibs. We're really excited with how it turned out. I was even able to rock my Baby Boy in the new rocker this morning. I told him that when it came I would rock him in it before she had a chance!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

THIS is what little girls are made of....

B-day is quickly approaching. We still have no furniture (hopefully this changes today around 3) and as you can see I have EVERYTHING still to wash, organize, and put away. I had to just look at what we have around us now. Pink, purple, hair bows, and dresses. We're so excited. I have to finish picking up Big Brother some things for his goodie bag this weekend. He keeps asking "When is baby sister gonna be here?" The other day he threw his hands up and said "You said after the beach!" But it's now September and she'll be here very soon. If all goes well we'll have her in our arms on September 21.
The other night I sat with him on the couch and started asking him his thoughts on some names. I told him three and he told me the one he liked best. So I said, "Alright, ________ and Braxton it is" (We're still undecided so we're not saying anything yet). He said "Yea. No, how bout Braxton and Sweet Pea!" So for the time being we have a Sweet Pea.