Friday, July 20, 2012


Guilty? Only for being cute! Brax wanted to get a picture of them looking like "criminals" (his words, not mine). Even 'Ole Busch got in the picture. There is a lot of things going on around here. Slowly it's becoming home. I'll try to post some pics later this weekend.
We were able to spend a lot of time in the pool this week during the day and had company over a lot this week. As Brax was climbing into bed tonight he asked who was coming over tomorrow!
Our baby girl turned 10 months old today. She's getting so big. I can't believe in 2 months she'll be a year old. Time really does fly when you're having fun. Look at our Baby Boy for proof of that phrase. He'll be in kindergarten in a month!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why Bother?!

The playroom has officially opened for customers! Brandon finished the other night and as I'm sure you can imagine we've been up there all day! It's not complete because eventually I want to get some bookcases for their books and some other things for organizing.
We wanted to use as many of our old curtains etc and decided we'd go with the color from our old bedroom. Although it's not really a color you'd think of for children it looks great and the kids won't "outgrow" it anytime soon. It really has brightened up the hallway upstairs (3 rooms down LOT'S more to go) and it's perfect for them!Brandon and I kind of laughed last night after the babies were in bed because for the fist time in more than 5 years there was not ONE toy in our den.
I don't think as a child I ever wished for a playroom. My parents were perfectly fine with us playing anywhere we wanted. My bedroom was fine but I had a "bedroom" set up in the den at home for my baby doll. I had her cradle and highchair and all the other things I needed for her. I pulled out the highchair and cradle this afternoon and set it up in the new room. Mckinley isn't old enough to really enjoy them now but I'm so glad that they will get used again. It's a neat thought knowing my daughter will play "house" with the same toys I did.
I decided this morning that I really don't care how messy the room gets throughout the day. It is, afterall, a playroom.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What To Do, What To Do?!

Around our house these days there is plenty to do. I, for one, would like to continue gathering  all of the pieces from our house from family's homes that we scattered about during the long process of moving or better yet get the Christmas decorations that are preventing me from parking in the garage up in the attic but it seems that my children have better ideas. There are so many things to do in a new house! Which would you rather take part in?
 The kids are adjusting well. The baby wakes up every once in a while still a bit confused as to where she is but both of their rooms have been painted and personalized. We have a few things going on around here but we're settling in. I figured it took us 9 years to get our first house exactly like we wanted it would take a while for this one to get there too.
Braxton impressed us all tonight and used his life jacket to play in the pool. He LOVED it and after getting him out three times I finally was able to talk him into getting a bath and going to bed. Tomorrow.....I plan on taking him and registering him for Kindergarten (gulp).

Monday, July 2, 2012

Home Is Where They Are

Through the heat, the sweat, the tears, the stress, boxes, boxes, and boxes I've come to an important realization: Home is where THEY are.