Saturday, May 14, 2011

This Little Light Of Mine

Last night was Braxton's first big stage performance. He was so excited and once we arrived (early to get good seats of course) he kept asking "is it time now?". I was a little apprehensive but he did so good. He sang loud and did all the little motions. He looked liked he was having a good time.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

We have life!! As we pulled in the driveway yesterday afternoon Braxton told me he wanted to go "check on his garden". I let him in the gate and was getting my stuff together and he stopped dead in his tracks and just stared. I thought for sure he had come up on a snake and heaven help us all if I was going to have to go down and rescue him with a snake right there. Fortunately, there was NO snake but when I asked what it was he pointed at and he said "a plant". His first plant bloomed yesterday. He was so proud and when I wouldn't let him water it he asked if he could water "the bugs?" He had a good 10 minutes of playing with the hose before I convinced him the puddle was big enough.
Today when I got home I saw that a few more had sprouted. Not sure if we have enough to feed us through the winter but for a first time garden I think we're doing pretty well!

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Reason To Celebrate!

I can still remember my very first Mother's Day without my mom. I've written about this before and how sad it was. Yesterday was our first Mother's Day without Grandmama and a first for my dad and his sister without their mom. After spending the morning at church my dad decided he wanted to go to his mom's favorite restaurant for lunch. It was fantastic.
As sad as the day was I couldn't help but reflect on her life and celebrate all that she gave to our family and to this world. For starters, what a wonderful lady she was. Always willing to help in what ever capacity she was needed. It could have been giving advice, holding a baby, or cooking in the kitchen. And even if the advice she gave was unsolicited, it always made you think.
She was a beautiful woman inside and out and graced any room with her presence.
But I couldn't help but think about the bigger picture. She raised a wonderful boy that grew up to be my dad. He respected and loved his mother so much. He would have done anything for her and couldn't wait to retire to spend some quality time with her. It's exactly the way I want my son to be when I'm older. Although his time these past 9 months have not been spent with her, my son has had some quality time with his Grandaddy. I laugh at the stories he comes home with and chuckle at the ones that begin with "Well Grandaddy said..." and I'm so thankful for the opportunity that Braxton has had with him and the opportunity to build a relationship with him.
A sad Mother's Day because she wasn't here with us but I'm so thankful for the mother that she was to my dad. And for the gifts that my son is receiving because of her hard work!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Farmer and the Dell

The boys are trying the garden thing out this year. Brandon and his dad constructed this cute little raised bed and Braxton is SOOOO excited about planting. I do have to tell you that Braxton helping with the planting lasted about as long as it took me to take these pictures. Hopefully, the interest in what grows will last a little longer.