Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Sweetheart

Ya know, everyday very slowly my little baby boy is becoming more and more independent. I still think about funny things he'd say when he was little and things he'd do and although he still does things that crack us up I get very sad when I think about the little boy that I used to have. It makes me treasure the times that we have together now. I know that with each passing day, holiday, milestone, and event that we're getting closer and closer to independence. I realize that this is one of the major goals that parents have when raising children and it makes me quite proud when we watch him sing in church or when we see him do something that he couldn't do just yesterday. Today we started working on his Valentines for him to take to school tomorrow. I brought the list downstairs and thought we'd do it together but he began to read the names off and write them all by himself. He even went back and checked through them and figured out someone he left off.
And this cutie wants to be everywhere with him. I watched them walk up the driveway yesterday holding hands. There's just something about a little girl feeling secure with her big brother. I already know that they'll be there for each other forever.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Last night dad came over to look after Mckinley for a bit and when we came home he said while he was cleaning up in the kitchen  she went and played in the living room. This happens to be the one and only room that we have done NOTHING to. There are actually still about 7 boxes waiting to be unpacked. All of my curio cabinets are also in this room, empty. Dad went in there to get her and he said she had crawled into one of the cabinets and by the time he got his phone to take a picture she had crawled out. Since I had just purchased batteries yesterday my camera was ready to go and nonchalantly I began taking pictures. Brax would crawl in one too if he could!
And this is one of the reasons dad came by to watch Mckinley last night. Brax has had a horrible head cold all week. Started last Sunday night with chills and a fever. Yesterday he complained of his "neck hurting" and his ear hurting. (My students complain of their neck hurting but they really mean their throat!). I doctored him all day and about lunch time he came and said something to me and I noticed his eye was red. The closer I looked I saw this! Freaked me out but I remain calmed and googled it and pretty much felt like it was cold that had caused it. But when he asked to take a nap I became alarmed and we woke him up later and took him to urgent care. Diagnosis was an ear infection and the eye (Doctor gave him a 10 for that!) was caused by heavy coughing. Geeeez. Nobody writes about this stuff in the parenting books!