Monday, May 7, 2012

Sentimental Journey

It's true. Our little house is sold! The whole story is unbelievable. We discussed it. We thought about our baby starting school and getting settled. We put a sign in the yard. Three hours later we had received 3 calls. It was looked at 3 times in one week and by the next Friday we had an offer. Unbelievable.
Tonight I started taking pictures down and packing them up. The journey is beginning and I'm starting to become emotional. My first home. The home I came to after I got married. The home I brought both of my babies to. Their first home. Their first home. It sounds strange.
So May 31 we move out. We have a plan. I'm not quite ready to share it but I will very soon.
People keep asking, "Why are you not freaking out?" My response is "As long as my family is together, I'll be fine."
 Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. 
 ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I hope I can sale mine that quick and by owner :) It is a sentimental journey. I can only imagine how I will feel when I sell mine. Can't wait to see the new Casa.
