Monday, December 14, 2009

THIS is what it's all about!

I love Christmas. I have such wonderful memories growing up and I want it all for my son. It's so hectic and busy and I think because I have such awesome memories I'm trying to do TOO much. I am just running myself ragged. God always has a way of bringing you back to the important things. Last night Braxton helped me remember that.
I had just gotten him out of the bath and he saw the Nativity scene on the table in the hall. His "GG" actually gave it to him for his first Christmas so knowing that makes this story all the sweeter. He asked about the baby. I told him it was Baby Jesus. And Baby Jesus' birthday was coming up very soon. He looked at me and said "Birthday?" And then said "Baby Jesus get a birthday cake". I asked him who he knew that could get Baby Jesus a birthday cake? His response was "Grandaddy!". So, Grandaddy was called and TOLD that Baby Jesus needed a birthday cake!

For those of you that will be with us on Christmas day expect party hats and party horns!

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! Kids do help us remember what the real reason of the season is. Thanks for sharing and keeping the traditions alive with your Family. There are many kids who don't know the real reason. All they know is that Santa brings presents. I hope Braxton has a great christmas!
