Saturday, June 28, 2014


Making Cookies

Enjoying time at the park (we played for 2 hours!)

Moses Cone Home

Enjoying ALL things beautiful

Just Majestic

Guess who has the camera?
We returned home yesterday from our yearly week in the mountains. We didn't make it to Tweetsie this year much to the dismay of my children. They absolutely LOVE that place. It literally can be completed in 30 minutes (ok  an hour if you ride the train) but they can not get enough of it. We normally ride the train 4 or 5 times, no joke, and they are never ready to go home. The weather was sketchy most mornings but all, except for one, turned out to be beautiful days. We always have a good time but by the end of the week we miss our "mansion at home" and have had enough togetherness in the 2 room cabin. It just so happened we only had one neighbor this year and they were staying directly under our cabin. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I said QUIT JUMPING. I don't think they've jumped one time since we've been home, naturally.
I have always believed in God. When I was pregnant with each of my babies I felt His presence. I thought many times about the miracle of life that was growing and that it all could be nothing more than a true miracle. When I go to the mountains, I feel that same miracle. In a different way, of course, but the majestic mountain ranges leave me breathless. Absolute beauty. 

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