It's that time of year again. One of my most favorite actually. I love spring. The warmth is always wonderful no matter what the winter was like (especially this winter), the flowers are beautiful, and just the anticipation of all that there is left to do before summer kicks off. Yesterday was a very busy day. I wandered all week how we were going to make it all fit but knew that we'd pull it off.
Friday night as we were getting ready I started telling the kids all that we had to do. Our wonderful friend from church, Tina, has had some serious health issues since August. She's had surgery, chemo, many hospital stays,and had to receive blood. The church was holding a blood drive in honor of her and I most definitely wanted to participate. I said that after I gave blood we'd go to the Egg hunt. Both of my kids had a look of horror on their faces and Mckinley began to go into panic mode. I explained that sometimes our bodies need some help and we have to get blood from people that are healthy. If our bodies are healthy then our heart beats and pumps new blood so it's able to give blood away. (I know. Pretty deep conversation for me to have with a 2 year old!) She still wasn't too sure about it all but seemed much better when I told her SHE wouldn't have to do anything.
Fast forward to the blood drive. As we're sitting and waiting she sat on my lap and turned towards me. She touched her heart and then mine and said, "Our heart beeps and makes new blood".
Everyday. My heart "beeps" for these too. No matter what they do. I know how lucky I am to have two healthy babies. I love them so.
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