Saturday, December 27, 2014


The word "constant" can be described as an adjective (word that describes a noun) or as a noun (person, place, animal, or thing). The adjective version defines constant as "occurring continually over a period of time" and the noun definition is "a situation or state of affairs that does not change". Either way you decide to use the word, I am constantly reminded of how fast these two little people are growing.
I am constantly challenged to think because of questions they ask. I am constantly praying for strength to model behavior I want to see from them as they grow. I am constantly laughing at something they say or something they do. I am constantly searching for the right way to guide them. And I am constantly thankful for having them as my own.
Life is busy. Life gets frustrating. But life is passing by and I don't want to lose one minute of time I can spend with them. When I think about all that there is to do in a day, I always try to think of ways I can put some of it off until they are in bed or another time. I know that one day, all too soon, they will no longer need me.
And that constantly makes me sad.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


It's hard to believe that more than 5 years ago we took our 2 year old very excited little boy to ride the Polar Express. We decided that this was the year to return and take our little girl.
We had been talking about it for weeks and Braxton was starting to remember bits and pieces. Mid-week they were both so excited. We left right after school on Friday and went to Blowing Rock for the night. It was c-o-l-d, 12 degrees actually, when we woke up. We bundled up and after a nice breakfast we started the trek to Bryson City.
 This trip we decided to take the later train so we actually pulled out of the station at 8:15 pm. It was cold, and dark, and MAGICAL. Braxton was so nervous we were going to miss it but once we got settled Mckinley was the one that turned nervous. They both watched in amazement as "Ginger Snap" delivered our "hot chocolate" on her head and oohed and aahhed as we looked at the lights. Mckinley was very concerned that the "caribou" had stopped the train. She seriously asked 50 times why the train stopped for them and where they went so we could move again. But they both got quiet when Santa boarded our cart. I couldn't get a picture because someone was attached to me but they loved getting a bell especially from Santa.
 Back at the hotel before bed, Mckinley looked at me and asked "Why Santa gave me a bell, I wanted a doll!".
It was a nice weekend. Definitely glad we were able to make it back.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Twick or Tweat

Here  you have them: Cinderella and "Cam". Probably a bad year for Braxton's costume. All the men had a good time with it though. And Kinley was called "Elsa" I know 5 or 6 times.....
 We went out about 7 and stayed gone for a good hour and a half. It was a little chilly but they had a great time. Once we were back home they got the biggest kick out of people coming to their house to trick or treat.
 The holidays are officially on.......

Saturday, October 11, 2014


It's been a LOOOONG time. I apologize. It's been a crazy 2 months but I will do better. 
Happy Fall Y'all!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tooth "Fairy"

Showing his sister how "cool" and easy it all is!

She'd only get in the "chair" to do something for Angie.

Almost 5 years ago I took Braxton in for his first dentist visit. I dreaded that day. Worried about how he'd do. From the first visit he's done great. Always answers the questions, opens up big, yaddah yaddah yaddah.
Naturally, when the time came for me to start thinking about Mckinley's visit I hardly gave it a thought. Last week I began to worry when I dropped her off in the nursery at church and she told one of the nursery workers she could stay and the other "to go". I started to worry a little more when I gathered all my "dentist" books to start talking to her and she said "No mama. I not going to the dentist". And last night I REALLY began to worry when Braxton and I cuddled up with her in the middle to read a book and half-way through the second page she climbed down and said "I go play". I knew we were all in trouble.
Dad met me at the office to take her if she began to cry and/or to watch her while Brax and I got our teeth cleaned. LONG story short. She refused to get in the chair. Angie offered to give her a ride up and down (worked for Brax) she screamed "No Ride!", Angie had to literally sit on her own hands and then asked Mckinley to open up so she could just see her teeth. The dentist came in to look at Braxton's teeth and she told him,"You not looking at my teeth".
We'll try again in January.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Field Trip Fun

See where I started out?

And you see I moved? Both of these kids we're a little scared.

Grandaddy bravely makes another trip with us.
We ventured "north" for our trip this week. We went to the beloved Dan Nicholas park. We've been going here every summer since Braxton was little. It's just a short ride up the road. We started with a picnic lunch and then went to the actual park. Mckinley was so excited to ride the train but as soon as we loaded she started crying. Once it started and she realized it was only going a whopping 3 miles an hour she relaxed. When she got off she screamed "That was AWESOME". We then walked over to the carousel and they were both scared to ride that. (I really don't think I shelter my kids but geez after this trip I wonder.....) You can see by their faces that they weren't real sure and when it came to a stop after a longer than usual ride, they we're very relieved that they survived, didn't fall off, came on a day it wasn't so hot.
After seeing the animals, we decided to go see the paddle boats and enjoy a cold treat before the trek back. Mckinley has been "potty training" this summer and she did fantastic on this trip. The ride up, the trip there, and the ride back she stayed completely dry. She must leave the bathroom location before the toilet can be flushed. The sound scares her so the actual job of getting her to use the bathroom in public causes me to break a sweat, however, she's catching on!
The best part was on our way home we drove by mama's "home place" where Aunt Betty is living. She was there so we stopped and visited for about 45 minutes. I love that woman. I have amazing memories of growing up thanks in part to her. I didn't think about it until after we had left about getting a picture with her and the kids. I plan to make another visit to see her before the summer ends.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dog Days

We are enjoying our summer. We had a great 4th of July. We've got lot's more planned for the rest of our time together.
This past Make-It Monday we made a fort (out of TV trays and blankets). When I was a kid we'd make a disaster in the den and pull out the card tables and every blanket we could possibly find. We'd try to make it as dark inside as we could get it and then watch a movie while sitting inside.  Brax was trying to build his sister a fort using just pillows and so I went in and gave him some assistance. (I had considered myself an expert way back when). They had a blast! The ironic things was they wanted to make it as dark as they could get it too and then I could hear them talking about peep holes so they could watch TV. Of course all things come to an end but they have been begging for another one ever since.
After we tore the fort down we made cupcake ice cream cones. We baked cupcakes in an ice cream cone and then after they baked put icing on them. What a hit! They turned out really cute.

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Making Cookies

Enjoying time at the park (we played for 2 hours!)

Moses Cone Home

Enjoying ALL things beautiful

Just Majestic

Guess who has the camera?
We returned home yesterday from our yearly week in the mountains. We didn't make it to Tweetsie this year much to the dismay of my children. They absolutely LOVE that place. It literally can be completed in 30 minutes (ok  an hour if you ride the train) but they can not get enough of it. We normally ride the train 4 or 5 times, no joke, and they are never ready to go home. The weather was sketchy most mornings but all, except for one, turned out to be beautiful days. We always have a good time but by the end of the week we miss our "mansion at home" and have had enough togetherness in the 2 room cabin. It just so happened we only had one neighbor this year and they were staying directly under our cabin. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I said QUIT JUMPING. I don't think they've jumped one time since we've been home, naturally.
I have always believed in God. When I was pregnant with each of my babies I felt His presence. I thought many times about the miracle of life that was growing and that it all could be nothing more than a true miracle. When I go to the mountains, I feel that same miracle. In a different way, of course, but the majestic mountain ranges leave me breathless. Absolute beauty. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Petite Picassos

To help the kids know what to expect for the summer (and yes, for my sanity too) we have designated days for certain activities. I'm such a teacher, true, but one week down and I have to say it has really worked out well. Mondays are now "Make-It Mondays" and that is the day we stay home and make something. Braxton has already asked what we'll make next week and I told him we could bake. This past Monday we painted. I received a gift card to one of the local craft stores from one of my students and went and bought canvases, paint, and brushes. I set them up in the garage and let them go at it.
It was already hot even with both bay doors open but by the time this project was complete, I was sweating. They had such a good time and we're just excited to do whatever they wanted. I plan on hanging these up. I'm sure one day they will appear more beautiful than I already see them. And be more valuable to me too.
(They're not for sell so don't even ask : ))

Monday, June 9, 2014


"Before you cross the street
Take my hand
Life is what happens to you
While you're busy making other plans

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy

Before you go to sleep
Say a little prayer
Every day in every way
It's getting better..."

Happy Birthday my sweet baby boy! 

I  never believed anyone, 7 years ago, when they told me how fast the time would go.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

And we all fall down...

He was so excited!

Doesn't she remind you of Marilyn?

This thing was MASSIVE!

So much fun!

Pretty Good Kid
When a six year old, soon to be seven year old, tells you 25 times in a few hours that he had a great birthday party, I consider it success. This party thing almost put me over the edge though.
We went with a company that did not penalize for cancellation due to the weather. The policy was that I had up until 11pm the night before to cancel. They called early in the week asking if they could deliver the day before I had scheduled (at no charge) and although that sounded great to me the weather had me very concerned. I looked at the forecast every day and every day it was something different. I couldn't make my mind up if I should cancel or not and decided that 30% chance of rain also meant 70% of sunshine!
The morning started off overcast. Mckinley who wouldn't go near the "jumpy house" last night was all for it today and Braxton started asking at 8am when his friends would be coming and even wanted to know if I would call them all to remind them.
Drop-offs started promptly and the party was on. The kids had a ball and before we knew it the parents were back to pick them up. Everyone commented on the Bounce House. It really was huge. Hopefully tomorrow we can swim and lay low.
I am exhausted!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

When it gets quiet...really quiet.

You've heard the old saying, when kids get quiet they are up to no good, right? This afternoon I got home a little early so after unpacking I decided to start on dinner. Mckinley came into the kitchen and then she was gone. It got really quiet and when I went in the den here's what I found!
 Love a girl after my own heart...chocolate!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Join the "Army"

These two little ladies had people coming up to them all morning. They were so well behaved.

Mckinley does not play when it comes to eating her pancakes!

Today we attended a Magical Wonderland at church. All of the money raised went to support a fabulous cause, Claire's Army. Read all about Claire and her army here.
Mckinley and Zoie had a great time and were quite entertaining throughout the morning. Mckinley even ended up appearing on the local news webpage.
The entire time I was there though I kept thinking about the reason we were together and the event that had occurred that caused the organization to be. It's an absolute heartbreaking story.  Made me feel very lucky and caused me to hug my children a little tighter and a little more often today.