We have a tradition in our family. Every Thanksgiving we go around the table and before we say the blessing we say what were thankful for. It never fails that year after year I always say the same thing. My family. Look at these pictures. We had dinner at Aunt Lisa's like so many years past. Braxton had a great time with baby Zoie (who's a trip!) and Mckinley was loved on by her Grandaddy and Aunt. Again, I am reminded of how lucky I am. I am so fortunate to have a husband that I love and love being married too. I am reminded everyday of how lucky I am to have healthy children.
Last night we had dinner at church followed by a special service and since Brandon was helping
prepare the food, the kids and I drove out by ourselves. Mckinley does NOT particularly enjoy the car seat. She can handle it better if I'm sitting in the back with her but last night she screamed the entire ride and Braxton was sitting on the other side of the car singing "Humpty Dumpty" (but his always comes out sounding like Huuuunty Dunty). She's screaming, he's singing. And I'm up front chuckling. My children are healthy. They scream, they cry, and they sing.
I am so thankful!
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