On Monday I return to work. I had my baby girl almost 8 1/2 weeks ago and I can NOT believe that it's time.
Ever since I had Braxton I've said that I'm a better mother because I work. Not only does work help my family financially but I get to be "me" for a couple of hours and my children have space to be who they are. They get to play with other children and interact with other adults. Not to mention spend time with their grandparents! I honestly think we're all better. But over the past 2 months I've spent some quality time with my babies and this time I really took time to take it all in. I didn't fret over things like laundry or about unloading the dishwasher. I knew it would be OK if I spent ALL day in my pajamas and I found myself laughing at some of the things that made me cry when Braxton was born. I've realized how fast time goes by and that each and every day truly is a gift. In the motions of the day, I paused to look at my sleeping babies and realized that both of them were no longer "just mine". Life has for sure changed around here.
My return to work is bitter-sweet. I know I'll never have this time back. I have so enjoyed taking my little boy to school, picking him up, rocking my daughter for as long a she wants, resting on the couch with her on my chest and listening to her breathe, smelling her breath as she yawns, and stepping back and watching the two of them interact, smile, and love another. It's the little things..
As I make my way back to the classroom where 22 children that don't belong to me will greet me on Monday I'll have my 2 children on my mind. I'll miss them terribly. Think about me....thank goodness it's a short week!!