Here is proof that no matter how well you think things are planned, anything can happen. I woke up on Tuesday morning, one day before my planned c-section, at 2am having contractions. I "thought" I knew what was happening but as I moved from the bed to the couch I kept telling myself that if I ignored them they would just go away. I had one more day of work to get through and it was cousin Zoie's first birthday! After 30 minutes of timed contractions every 10 minutes I woke Brandon up and told him I thought I was in labor. We called the doctor and were told to wait another hour. We went ahead and took showers and finished packing our bags. I woke Braxton up and he was up and we were gone by 3:30. We dropped him off at Maw Maw's, went by Dad's to drop his bags off for the next few days, and were walking through the front entrance of CMC by 4:30. They admitted me at 4:55am and at 7:16am we heard the cries of our baby girl for the first time.
Mckinley Grace was born weighing in at 7lbs, 14ozs, and was 19 3/4inches long. (Big Brother weighed 7lbs, 15 ozs, and was 20 inches long.) We had discussed names that we liked but hadn't decided on anything for sure. After she was born while in the operating room someone asked Brandon what her name was and he responded by saying "This is Mckinley Grace." (Braxton picked her middle name)
Mckinley and Daddy are doing fabulous. Big Brother is adjusting. Last night's visit was much better than Tuesday night's. Hopefully, he'll want to hold her tonight.
"Tuesday's child is full of grace". We feel so blessed.
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