This afternoon Matthew and Sarah became the newest Mr. and Mrs. in the family. The weather was beautiful. It was very hot and I have a nice little sun burn on my right side but it was a great day for an outside wedding. The ceremony took place on the front steps of an old house. It was really rustic. I think the professional pictures will be absolutely beautiful. Braxton was a good boy. He didn't see much of the wedding though. Early this morning he went with Paw Paw, Maw-Maw, and Brandon to help set up the chairs and he discovered that there were "chicks" on site walking around. We had to bribe him with all kinds of things to get pictures in BEFORE he saw them. (Gum was the overall winner) When the ceremony actually began, Braxton wandered off and Grandaddy went after. Poor dad didn't get to see the wedding at all! Allyson came too and they were both a huge help. I had an enjoyable afternoon. The pictures are of the bride and groom, Paw-Paw and Braxton having a heart-to-heart, and mommy and her baby sitting before the ceremony.
what a cool site to have a wedding. I would love to see the professional pictures. Where was it located?