How "today's generation" spends a snowy evening |
3 days later, this snowman is STILL standing |
Fun!! |
This is unbelievable |
Who said a boogie board was just good for the beach? |
The weather man called it right this time. It snowed. A lot. This snow makes the bit we had a few weeks ago (the one where we missed 2 days of school) look like a walk in the park. It snowed all day yesterday and started back again this morning. As I sat on the couch this morning and saw it start back, I literally said I wish it would stop snowing.
The kids are having a ball. Outside. They have a touch of cabin fever being inside.
We're hoping that soon it will begin to melt and the roads become passable. Braxton lost a day of spring break yesterday and we're still not sure when they'll make up today. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say tomorrow is a no go too. Whoever said "we're due for a good snow" must be happy. I'd say this is a good snow.