Brax and I were off because of the President's Day holiday so this morning we were able to take our time getting ready. I told Braxton he and I could have a "Date Day" and we'd go see a movie and spend the day together. We all got ready and we took Mckinley to maw-maw's and headed off to run some errands before our movie started. He could not wrap his mind around the fact that we had three hours before the movie started (Puss in Boots 3D- a must see. He was laughing out loud and grabbing at the 'things" floating in 3D)and had a million questions during our ride there and while we were running around. "Why do they put salt out? What ryhmes with amazing? How do they make straws? Why do cars go so fast?" After about the 300th question (no lie, the 300th!) and my repeated, "I don't know Buddy" he replied "You don't know nuffin!"
Multiplication Strategies for 3rd Grade
8 years ago