Friday, October 28, 2011

My Little Babies

This time around at the hospital I had some really good nurses. They were personable and during their shift I felt like some good conversation took place between us . One of the nurses I had the day after Mckinley was born asked how "Big Brother" was. I told her that he wouldn't have much to do with me or the baby and that I hoped he'd come around. She told me that the same thing had happened when her children were born and now they were best friends. Although I'm very close with my own siblings, I asked her what she did to see that that would happen. She said she simply told them all the time that they were best friends. They grew up hearing it and believed it.
Braxton has continued to do really well with the baby. I started telling him that they would be best friends one day. He keeps asking when we can teach her to crawl, what he'll do when she plays with his cars, and that when she starts talking he wants her to call him "BB" (?).
We were in the car earlier this week and he was talking about his friends and I asked who his best friend was. He said "Mckinley"(!)
As you can see, it does appear that way!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Very Special

(I can't rotate the top one for some reason. I'll keep working on it!)
Braxton has REALLY come around. He loves helping and is constantly wanting to touch. I think I've already started saying the phrase I'll say most often for the next 15 years or so; Leave her alone! It was as if one day he just woke up and realized she's not going anywhere. He's been so sweet.
Last week, however, Braxton woke up and was feeling a little neglected. I felt terrible and so guilty. Brandon told me to pick him up form school and spend the afternoon with him. We went to get ice cream, Monkey Joes, and to have a snack afterwards at Chick Fil A (he was "starving"). I told him we'd have to eat there because I can't eat in the car. Here's how the conversation went.
B-Why can't we eat in the car? Daddy does.
Me- Well I can't eat and drive.
B-Why not?
Me- I'm just not that special.
B- Why are you not special?
Me- I am special. I meant that that's one thing I can't do.
B- Am I special?
Me- VERY special.
B- Is daddy special?
Me- VERY special.
B- Is Baby Sister special?
Me- VERY special.
B- Why is Baby Sister VERY special?