Sunday, August 28, 2011

Just Like a Pro

Yesterday was the sibling class at the hospital. It was to help older siblings feel more at ease about "where mommy is" and it went over what will happen when the baby is born and when they come visit the new baby at the hospital. We took "Busch 2" and one of the first things the nurse did was talk about how they weigh and measure the new baby. All of the kids had a chance to put their stuffed animals on the scale. Busch 2 weighed 12.5 ounces and was 17 inches long. She went over how to hold the baby (sitting down) and went into some discussion about the soft spot. He even got a diaper to bring home and to practice putting on and taking off of Busch 2. Brax really listened and just looked around the room. Afterwards she took us down to the nursery and showed us the new babies. There was a banner over the nursery window that said "Class of 2029". You can see part of it in one of the pictures. It was really cute even though I think because of the recent change in the cut off date she'll be class of 2030!
Afterwards we went back downstairs and all of the kids were given a certificate. It was a cute class. Brax definitely felt like a Big Brother and in the car on the way home asked if he could change into his Big Brother shirt when he got home!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Showered with Love

The past two weekends have been busy. The day after we arrived home from the beach my childhood friend Stacy and her mom threw a shower. I had many close friends there and the food was great. We received a lot of great gifts for our baby girl and Big Brother walked away with somethings too. It was almost surreal opening pink and purple things.
Last Sunday I had a shower at my good friend Tina's house. Family and church friends attended. I had representation from my mom's family, my dad's family, and Brandon's family. It was great having everyone together for such a special time. I know that everyone is going to love this little girl.
We're down to about 3 1/2 weeks and we still have so much to do. Work wise I've gotten a lot done but I still have things that I have to do before I will be able to relax about not being there. And around here....we still don't have any furniture. We have gotten the car seats, bassinet, bouncer, and all the little things out and in her room on one side. The other side is filled with clothes and other accessories waiting for a permanent home.
I go back to the doctor this week and begin going every week from then on. I have my surgery scheduled. I suppose I'll start packing my bag soon. It's hard to believe it's almost time!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Last One

Alright, really forget how lousy I look in this picture. Look at my little family. Two of the gorgeous men I have in my life. We always take a family shot while we're at the beach. We waited a bit too late this year and had to settle for what we could get. As we were walking in I couldn't help but think that the next time we're there we'll be a family of four.

Monday, August 8, 2011

We're Here!!

After months of planning, preparing, and WAITING we have arrived for our annual family vacation. We decided to do things a little different this year and that was before we realized that I would be 7 1/2 months pregnant when we got here. We are staying right on the beach. The walk to the ocean is literally downstairs and we can walk out on our balcony and see and smell the ocean anytime we want! Braxton has known nothing but walking a bit and crossing the street to get to the ocean. He's loved being right here and first thing he asked to do when we got up this morning was to "see the ocean".

Yesterday we were down by the waters edge. It was just Braxton and I, and as I sat in the chair by the water's edge (that is the way to do it) andc watched him play I couldn't help but think about how this is our last little bit of being just a family of 3. In a few weeks, changes are going to take place and as much as I'm excited about them and as much as I think about holding our baby girl it makes me a little sentimental about giving up "these" days. Braxton has changed so much since we were here last. He loves playing in the ocean and is venturing to do things (all under a watchful eye) that he would not have done last year. I'm trying to savor these moments. I realize everyday that they are precious!