We love summer. Brax has always loved being outside and even more than that, heat! When he was a newborn and would cry inconsolably, which was often, we would take him outside in the hot and he'd stop. This morning he wanted changed out of his sleeveless, Spiderman, short pajamas and wanted a more appropriate outfit. He picked out a long sleeve shirt and long pants. When it came time for him to go outside he assured me that he wanted to keep his chosen clothes on "in case of bees." I even went so far and told him that if he kept that on he'd have to come inside in just a bit to cool off. That bit of reverse psychology didn't work for him. He said, "OK, but when I cool off I'm going back out!"
Shortly after I went back in (way too hot for me) I was folding clothes and came across this new Diego shirt from Grandaddy and took it back out. He was willing to change shirts but insisted he keep his pants on. After all, he'd just seen "a black bee!"