Lately I've been feeling "that way" everybody with kids says they do. It's going so fast. I feel like I've blinked and Brax has just grown (don't laugh I know he's 3) into a little boy. I had a few things I wanted him to accomplish this summer.
Poop in the potty= Done
Sleep in his big boy bed= Done
Undress by himself completely= Done
I guess what I wasn't expecting was the way I'd feel when those things were "done".
Yesterday was another milestone that we had been waiting for and it went off without a hitch. He has now moved on from the nursery at church and goes to big kids church. Nursery is a straight 2 hours in one room and big kids church is an actual Sunday School class and then we'll pick him up and take him into the sanctuary with us where he'll stay for 15 minutes or so until the children's message. He'll then go down for children's church where they read a story and do a craft while the adults stay for the sermon. We had prepared ourselves to have to go down stairs with him the first day. I walked up to the front with him for the children's message and told him that when it was over he would go with another mommy and daddy but HIS mommy and daddy would be down to get him as soon as he finished his craft and listening to his Bible story. When the time actually came I told him to go with the others and we'd be down in a little bit. HE WENT WITH NO PROBLEM!! I have been waiting for the day when he would feel at ease at church so it was a relief that he went.
My parents always told me that you raise your children with the goal and intention to set them free. It's a testimony to the kind of parent you are. I know my job is not through, not by a long shot thank goodness, but my heart does a little dance every time we complete another milestone. I may have tears in my eyes and it may be hard to watch but I know it has to happen. I have a good partner helping me. We're having fun. And we have an amazing little boy. For these things I know we're lucky.
Big Boy Church= Done
Last night as I was putting him to bed, in his big boy bed, we were talking about his day and he started asking where his picture was from church because he wanted me to put it on the refrigerator. He then proceeded to tell me about David and Goliath. I was amazed at what he was telling me. Where did he hear that? Children's church....and it was his first day!