Just Kidding, but goodness knows we need to do something! We have had a wonderful 2 weeks. Tis is heading back to the big city this afternoon and from the very night he flew in it's been a whirlwind. We've had a blast and made some incredible memories but I can't ever help every year but feel a little relieved when the tree is down and life returns to somewhat of a slower pace. The new year is just around the corner and although 2009 was a pretty good year to our family I am really looking forward to 2010.
Saturday night, right after Chris and Ali barely made it before the big blizzard, we had mama's family over for dinner. It was really great getting everyone together. It was the first time some of my cousins had even met Braxton! Braxton had a lot of fun hosting and loved having everyone play at his house!
Christmas Eve at Maw Maw's and Paw Paw's was one of the best Christmas Eves we've ever had. I can't really put my finger on it but it was different this year. Everyone was genuinely enjoying themselves and relaxed. Braxton was given a cowboy hat and a gun. We'd come to the conclusion that there was no way we could fight the inner boy in him any longer. He was going to find a way to play guns! He was so excited when he opened those gifts!
Christmas morning was great too. Braxton woke up at 7:25 and I kept him in my old bedroom playing with old toys for about an hour. When everyone was up and ready he bolted into the den and there before his eyes were a red fire engine, fireman's outfit, a horse (to complete the cowboy ensemble), puzzles, books, and I could go on and on. Santa was so good to Braxton!
Later that night we had Christmas dinner with Grandaddy's family here. We had a birthday cake and party hats for Baby Jesus! (I warned you we would).
We have a ton of new "stuff". We won't be having an auction but we will be putting some things away. Just think, his birthday is only 6 months away!