Monday was Labor Day and is was awesome. We didn't do anything major but that's what I loved about it. It was nice and breezy outside so we were able to open the french doors leading out on to the screen porch. Braxton laid out on the screen porch and watched The Bee Movie (for the 500,000 time this summer) and ate cashews! It was nice being at home and not having to rush off to work, or class, or the store.
Later in the evening the boys made a fire in the fire pit out back. I had to take some pictures of that!
Yes, 2 in one day. I had to post about the latest goings on around here and now I have to post about the latest changes in Mr. Braxton. If you haven't seen him in more than a week you wouldn't believe how good he is talking now.
Last week I had to secretly sneak Busch into the washing machine and dryer. We were about to head out for our evening walk when I went to check on the status of Busch when Braxton saw me get him out. He said "Busch!" I responded with 'Yeah, Busch got a bath and now he has to dry while we go for our walk" Braxton said, "Busch go walk with me!"
In this photo, Braxton thinks Busch needs something to drink.
It's been a long time since my last post. I apologize and know I have to do better. Just in the last week Braxton has changed so much.
The school year has gotten off to a excellent start. With all the changes at school due to the budget crisis I have been assigned a new assistant. My old one, with whom I had worked with for 3 years, was moved to kindergarten because they had to let 6 go last year and my "new" assistant was moved up from 1st grade. She is great but it's been a time of learning about one another and readjusting. I also have a college intern working with me this year. She's actually a graduate intern so this is her second degree. She's not actually student teaching until after Christmas but for the first semester she's just "floating" and observing. She's really helpful but it's different having someone new around all the time and that has taken some adjusting to also. She's awesome to have around. My class seems to be a really good group of kids. The 10th day of school is tomorrow. In the education world the 10th day of school (just like the 100th and just like the 180th) is a huge milestone. Things seem to calm down a bit and become more concrete. I On top of everything else Brandon has returned to school in addition to working full-time. I couldn't be more proud of him but I am SO tired in the evenings. I have been staying at work much later than I normally prefer just to get as much stuff done at work because when I pick Mr. Braxton it's all me and he makes sure that I am doing nothing but tending to his every whimper.
Every night I have made dinner (this is only going on week 3. I'll post about this subject periodically) except one and that was only because Allyson and dad wanted to come to see Braxton and brought dinner, done the laundry, packed lunches for the next day, gone for a walk, and given Braxton a bath before Brandon gets home from class. I want him to be able to walk in and and not have to do anything but spend time with Braxton before we have to put him to bed.
We try to have him down by 8:30. And we try to be in bed by 10pm. 5am comes very early. We get him up at 6:30 and they are out the door to Maw- Maw's by 6:45. Needless to say this school year has started very busy but seamlessly. Brandon seems to like his classes and doesn't mind having to study after Braxton is in bed. Keep him in your thoughts this semester!!