Monday, March 30, 2009

Mr. Tin Man

This was too cute. I had to post it.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bear Has Surgery

The pictures I've included are one of me about the age Braxton is right now. In my picture I'm 2 so Braxton is just about 3 months younger. I am shown with my "pillie" which I absolutely adored as a child and to this day still do. News Alert: Braxton has a "lovey" too.
Meet Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear originated in New York at a lovely facility called FAO Schwartz (you may have heard of it) and arrived via Grandaddy after a trip to the Big Apple to see Uncle Chris last December. When Bear arrived in North Carolina he was just slightly bigger than Braxton and he could hardly get his arms around him. Over the last year and a half Braxton has grown to adore Bear or "Busch" as he calls him. On most mornings Braxton gets out of bed and has Busch in his arms. On most mornings he takes him out the door with him and in the car to Maw Maw's. And lately Bear even has been going inside where he spends the majority of the day in the closet shoved in Braxton's cubbie because he is not machine washable. I just told someone this week that I might have to request another Busch because I thought he was feeling awfully thin around the neck and did not expect him to make it until Christmas. This afternoon I felt a hole. Busch had to have surgery. Braxton could hardly stand the 5 minutes it took for Grandaddy to sew him up. Braxton does get it honestly. My pillie has been sewed up so many times I can hardly remember. I still have, however, all the "insides" from the previous pillies.
Maybe I can talk Chris and Ali into bringing another Busch to North Carolina when they come in May?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Braxton the Builder

Yesterday was the first beautiful day we have had this year. It wasn't just beautiful because the sun was out it was 77. However, I had to work 5 hours. Just this past Monday and Tuesday our school system was out due to snow and Saturday was the called make-up day. Brandon found out that one of the local home improvement stores was having their kids workshop. So after I went to work, Brandon, Braxton, and Grandaddy went to breakfast and then to the Home Depot. Braxton was by far the youngest there. So young that he had to stand in a chair to help make his speedpark. Brandon said he was beating the table with the hammer (a real hammer) as hard as he could and all of a sudden stopped, put the hammer down and said "juice". He had to take a break!
The pictures you see were taken by our wonderful photographer, Grandaddy!