Saturday, January 31, 2009

Someone Say Sleepover?

Is this not so sweet? (Yes, they're watching Alice!)

I came home with a bad migraine. I haven't had one in years. I was sick on my stomach and could hardly stand up straight. Grandaddy and Allyson came out and took Braxton home with them. On Braxtons way out the door he looked at me and said "Bye-Bye".

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Who Knew?

I'd heard it for years- A child doesn't need toys, they'll play with anything! Now I know it to be true. Braxton has more toys than Toys R Us (all of you take note: he needs NOTHING!) and what is his favorite thing to play with? A diaper box!
He had the best time playing with it. He'd sit in it, stand on it, throw it, put it on the couch and then get it in, and a couple of times even wanted to be pushed like a "choo-choo". I could only do the last one a couple of times before I was simply exhausted and my poor knees could take no more.

His new fixation this week is Alice In Wonderland. Not the Disney version but one that I watched as a kid (just trying to introduce him to the classics : ) )It's one of the greatest "old" movies I know of (Brandon would disagree) and has a lot of famous faces in it. It's much more like a musical so between almost every scene there is a song. He's fascinated by it. I'll have to see if I can get some video of him dancing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh What Fun!

I woke up this morning with a call from dad, early, with the news that Cabarrus County schools were closed due to inclement weather. I walked and looked out the window and sure enough the ground was covered. Braxton slept until about 7:30 and Brandon took him to the front door right away to show him what was outside.

We bundled him up in Uncle Fis' snowsuit that Granddaddy gave us and took him outside to play in his first real snow. It sprinkled some last year but had melted by noon. He was a little unsure this year and did NOT like getting it on his hands. It is absolutely beautiful outside and as of right now is still coming down pretty hard.

We were just out yesterday for MLK Jr. day and had planned on having teacher workdays on Thursday and Friday of this week. We'll probably end up losing our workdays in February and March. Why don't we ever get snow when we all need the break?!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Home Project Complete

Well, our first project around the house for 2009 is now complete. After over 30 years of our house having a brick fireplace Brandon stone veneered it. It had gas logs for about 8 years but we had the line cut and took the logs out. We removed the logs because we actually had a "real" fireplace that could burn wood which is so rare these days. I have some wonderful memories of the fires we used to have at home while growing up. I wanted Braxton to have the same. Right after Christmas we went and ordered a new screen and it came in last night. Perfect timing considering the overnight low was 7 degrees. We woke up this morning and started our first fire. It looks great and is warm too. I was hoping I had some pictures of the before look but I can't find any.

Next job around here will be the dining room.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Big Boy

1st day

I thought this would be a great way to share the newest happenings with Braxton and things we're up to. Some of you are so far away and we don't get to see one another as often as we'd like. I have a friend that started blogging last summer and she loves it. We'll see how this all works.